Monday, April 23, 2007

Breakfast Fuels

All around the world people start their new day by eating breakfast. After a long period of sleep since the last meal, the body needs refueling with energy, vitamins, minerals and fiber, especially important if you are a growing and developing child laying the foundation for a healthy adulthood.Learning good eating habits start early, and the importance of learning what your body needs to grow and learn and play.

Also, the attitudes and relationships with food are formed early. The perceptions about what foods can be eaten for breakfast are formed early on. So many of us grow up thinking there are hard and fast rules regarding what food can be eaten. As an example; one hardly ever associates pizza as a breakfast food, or to have leftovers from the night before for "breakfast."That's bad behavior associated with bachelorhood or college life. Pizza very often is a leftover and not what mom's want their kids to eat, but everyone loves pizza.So let's be creative with the pizza, just like a "sandwich" or a "wrap" and make up our own" healthy breakfast pizza."Use leftovers if you want or let the kids come up with a recipe of their own using ingredients already on hand. As long as it's called "pizza" and they created it, they'll love it!

The most common breakfast for kids in the US is cereal, milk, juice and toast. A large part of the world has adopted western style breakfast patterns, and portable nutrition, but here are a few sample breakfasts from other countries, to get refueled and start their day!
How about Italian fare: fresh rolls with chocolate butter spread, hot milk and coffee!
In China maybe rice, dried pork, pickles and soybean juice?
Japanese kids may be served, roasted seaweed dipped in soy sauce, boiled rice,pickled radishes and salted plums.

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